Geo-Return: Maximising entities potential in the ESA ecosystem
Join us for the Geo-Return panel discussion, where we'll explore the current challenges encountered by UK industry in securing ESA contracts. Whether you're a seasoned participant or a newcomer, uncover valuable insights to maximise your chances of winning an ESA contract. Explore available support mechanisms, gain a strategic understanding of recent contract distribution, learn about measures to boost UK competitiveness, and contribute to the dialogue on overcoming barriers in bidding for large spacecraft contracts.
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, 1:40 PM - 2:40 PM
Location Name
Martin Barstow, Space Park Leicester, University of Leicester
Thomas Santini, Lodestar
Helen Roberts, UK Space Agency
John Bone, e2e Group
Gertrud Talvik, European Space Agency
Thomas Santini, Lodestar
Helen Roberts, UK Space Agency
John Bone, e2e Group
Gertrud Talvik, European Space Agency